What is the Amber Flag?
In order to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in Scoil Naomh Seosamh, we are taking part in the Amber Flag Initiative. Successful completion of the Amber Flag initiative involves the whole school community coming together in order to create a safe, positive and healthy attitude towards our general, physical and mental health wellbeing.
We will document all of our hard work on this page, where you will see all of the wonderful work that is being completed in our school.
The Amber Flag is an initiative run by Pieta House which recognises the individual efforts of primary schools and other organisations that support mental wellbeing.
Our aims and objectives are:
To create Amber Flag notice boards in the school, promoting positive mental health strategies.
To hold a fundraising event for Pieta House and a Wellbeing Week to promote positive mental health in our school
To hold a Design a Poster’ competition within the school to raise awareness of positive mental health strategies.
Our Amber Flag Committee
Laoise and James – Junior Infants and Sixth class
Fiona and Sam – Senior Infants and Fifth class
Katie and Chulainn – First class and Fourth class
Ines and Liam – Second class and Third class.