As normal with the summer months approaching the regular occurrence of sporting activities has returned.

We have been busy at various different events.

1- Our boys Sciath na Scol hurling team have qualified for the hurling final in Páirc Uí Rinn. This takes place on May 29th. Our camogie team also did us proud but lost out after some tough games.

2 – Our boys football team have a playoff to secure a place at the West Cork football finals. While our girls, the defending champions of the last 2 years did not qualify this year but they enjoyed 3 good games and improved in every one.

3 – Bandon Tag Ruby Blitz took place for 5th and 5th class. Just after Christmas we had been down at Bandon Rugby club with 3rd and 4th but this time it was the turn of 5th and 6th. It was a great day and very well organised.

4 – FAI Primary 5-aside soccer. The boys qualified for the county finals after winning the West Cork in Bantry. We had a great day out at Musgrave park. After a win and a loss on the day we had to win our final game to qualify for the quarter finals. Unfortunately, a 2-1 loss meant we left at the group stage. A great learning curve and who knows we might return again next year. A memorable experience and one we all enjoyed nonetheless.

Girls Football team


Boys Football team

5th class 1 at the rugby blitz

5th class 2 at the rugby blitz

FAI Primary 5-aside County Finals 1

FAI Primary 5-aside County Finals 2