On Thursday 19th May, Students in the senior end of the school once again participated in the long awaited Sciath na Scol competition. Our boys’ team played against Ardagh N.S., and Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, Castletownbere and Scoil Mhuire, Schull.  Our girls team had three matches against St Mary’s G.N.S., Rosscarbery, and Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, Castletownbere and Scoil Mhuire, Schull.

Both teams showed great sportsmanship on and off the pitch.  Their opponents were strong and Laragh never gave up the battle to win the ball and aim for the posts. We had some wins and some losses but unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the boys were unsuccessful in progressing to the next round of the competition.  The girls won all of their matches and will play in the final on Thursday 2nd June.

The children showed excellent spirit and it was a great experience to play together as a team.  Both teams represented themselves and their school brilliantly in this competition and we are very proud of each team member.